Safety Indicators


Safety Indicators is a web-based Safety process management suite. It is hosted entirely in the Cloud to provide high-speed access from anywhere in the world. Data is backed up continually to prevent loss. Access is controlled through user sign-in using encrypted passwords. From observation through follow-up, automated and insightful charts, trends, and reports are designed to reduce injuries and enhance your safety culture. Whether you choose to use your existing plans and checklists or tailor one of our templates you will be able to auto-generate OSHA 300, 300A, and 301 reports. It is a secure, cloud-based system that allows high-speed access from anywhere in the world. We also offer an effective and innovative way to engage your associates to get safety suggestions and feedback:(Optional) We incentivize your associates to provide safety-related suggestions and feedback by way of an online portal they can use at work, home, or via mobile device.

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Digital Care

Posted 12 months ago
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